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Page 15
"Let me take a look at it," she said, assessing his knee. Gingerly, she squeezed her fingers around the bone, tapping and poking. "It's not broken or fractured, but the bruise is going to be pretty nasty."
Everett rested for a couple of minutes before he insisted they get going. At the rate the shadowy clouds were moving and by the moisture thick in the air, a storm was not far off.
Sophia wrapped his arm around her shoulders and used a boulder to help hoist him upright. A piercing pain shot through his leg and he winced, his grip tightening on Sophia's shoulder. "Put your weight on me,” she said, “I can handle it." But it was obvious he was weighing her down.
Everett met Sophia's eyes just as a sprinkle of raindrops sprayed over her face. "Don't worry. We're almost there. It's not too bad, but I definitely need to get this cleaned up, and I don't want to do it here. If we stop now, we'll get caught in the downpour." He limped, stifling the urge to moan at every step.
As they hobbled down the hill, the rain began falling in sheets. The sun was hidden behind a dingy cotton blanket of clouds, and a sidewinding breeze picked up. The ground muddied under their feet until they were practically sliding downhill with trees blurring beside them and nothing to hold onto but each other. They were drenched and clinging with slippery grips, bursting into laughter as they fumbled toward the bottom.
In a crashing ball, Everett fell with Sophia still tucked under his arm and the weight of his body. They were a soaking wet mess of grass and mud and happiness.
"Ouch," Sophia squeaked out between giggles. "Where in the hell did all this rain come from?"
"This is Oregon. There's always a possibility of rain." He chortled, shaking his head. "I love getting caught in the rain with you." Love. He loved everything about his woman. Everett propped himself up on his elbows, staring down at Sophia. With his free hand, he slid the wet hair stuck to her face out of the way. "You're so beautiful," he whispered.
He'd said those words to her every day they spent together, and he wanted to tell her every day for the rest of...
She stared back at him now, her laughter waning as she met his serious expression.
"I love you, Sophia."
As her lips parted, he kissed her again, his mouth crashing down on hers. This time he kissed her relentlessly, hungrily. Deep and exploring, his tongue roamed her mouth. He drank from her. He tasted her. Until her lips were swollen and pink.
He kissed her like it might be the last time.
* * *
"I say we shower, then order some pizza, because at this moment cooking is out of the question." Sophia untied her other shoe and kicked it off before tossing her muddy socks into the hamper. They were back at her place, in her bedroom, and she was still on cloud nine from his confession.
He said he loved her. Then, he'd kissed her senseless.
She was still reveling in the euphoria as she slipped into the closet, leaving Everett still standing there, a dirty, sexy, hot mess in the middle of her pristine room. He was looking around, stunned by his surroundings and she just wanted to rip his clothes off right there.
As she stripped out of her wet pants and long sleeve T-shirt, she peeked out of the door of the walk-in closet. "Are you just going to stand there, or are you coming in the shower with me?" She winked and he shuddered as she stepped out wearing nothing but a lacy red panty and bra set.
Everett was gorgeous and kind and everything she ever wanted in a man. More than she ever thought she'd have. Not to mention he was driving her libido crazy. What wasn't there to love? Why was she holding back?
He took a step closer, meeting her halfway.
"You can't go in the shower in those?" He lifted his chin toward her brand-new lingerie, which was apparently the best purchase she ever made, given the blazing hot look it earned.
It was almost as if the second she decided to forget all the pretenses, forget about Austin, forget about the hearing, and just let go, everything simply fell into place. Bornstein got back to her, saying things were looking good with the case and she'd likely get the house. Things were lining up with the retail pad on Broadway, and she was brimming with ideas for the restaurant. And to top it all off, Everett loved her.
Sophia walked up to him, leaving a few feet between them. "Ev. I lov—"
"Don't." He pressed a finger to her lips. Then, using both hands, he cupped her face. “It's okay. I want you to say it when you're ready."
Her insides flooded with a mixture of urgency and relief because finally, here was this beautiful man who loved her. He was her unanswered prayer. Maybe she didn't have to rely on herself alone. The notion made her feel empowered. And the thing about power? There was nothing sexier.
She chewed her lip and turned so her back was facing him. "I can handle these..." She bent over, sliding her panties down her legs until they puddled at her feet, then righted herself. "But, I was hoping you could help me with my bra."
Playfully, she pushed her hair over her left shoulder, out of the way, and eyed him seductively behind lowered lids.
Everett didn't say a word. He leaned in and trailed his lips over the nape of her neck, unclasping her bra at the same time. On the small of her back, she could feel his cock growing hard, the warmth of his hands lighting the fire low in her belly.
She reached her hands behind her back and rubbed him through his jeans, wanting him inside her. Needing him now. When she pressed a hand over the rim of his pants and found him ready for her, she stroked him, circling her thumb over the soft head. Before she spontaneously combusted, she moved slowly toward the bathroom.
"I'll see you in there."
An hour later, they were both thoroughly satiated and starving for food for a change. Sophia whipped a blanket up into the air, letting it billow down over Everett on the living room couch. She'd propped his leg up with two throw pillows and bandaged the scrapes.
"I'm going to take care of you. Here's the remote." She gave him a quick kiss, then walked over to flip the switch to turn on the fireplace and close the mesh curtains. "What do you want on your pizza?"
Everett snuggled into the blanket and aimed the remote control at the television. As soon as the Home Network buzzed to life on the screen, he changed the channel to ESPN. Without looking away, he replied. "I'll take pepperoni, banana peppers, and extra cheese. What do you say we watch a movie? I've been wanting to see the new paranormal killer one."
"Ooh. The one where the ghost haunts and kills the politicians who murdered his family? It looks so good. Yes, it’s a plan. On the pizza too, minus the banana peppers, but I'll swap it for jalapeños unless you can't handle the heat."
He playfully raised his brows at her in challenge.
"Okay, then." Sophia tapped on the app for the local Italian restaurant she found a few weeks ago when she was walking the neighborhood. She ordered the food and added sodas and a brownie pan, which would go perfectly with the salted caramel ice cream in her freezer. The flashing bar on the phone screen said their food was in the oven and would be delivered within thirty minutes or it would be free.
With the food taken care of, she set the phone on the coffee table. Keeping an eye on his knee, she carefully squeezed in beside Everett on the couch. When she was safely passed the danger zone, she rested her head on his shoulder and her hand over his heart.
Everett tightened his arm around her and flicked through the channels.
The glow of the television highlighted the sharp lines of his face, creating a white silhouette at the edges of his dark brown skin. He looked like he was carved and created just for her.
"What?" Everett asked without meeting her eyes, though she knew he felt her looking at him because an adorable dimple popped out.
She was staring, but she made no effort to explain it away as she trailed her fingers over the sharp curve of his jaw. "I love you too," she said. Her voice did not waver and there were no questions in her tone.
He'd been lying on his back, but now he shifted onto his side so they were f
acing each other. She could feel his soft breath lightly graze over her cheek and his heart chasing hers. The kiss they shared was unhurried and soft. Like all the time in the world was theirs. Like time didn’t exist before this moment.
Suddenly Sophia was aware of all her senses. The feel and pressure of his hard muscles wrapped tightly around her. His fresh, clean, soapy scent combined with the minty taste of his tongue as it freely grazed over hers. Even with her eyes closed, she could see he was the man she didn’t know she needed.
Just beyond their moans and his muffled growls, Sophia heard the doorbell ring. "Pizza," she mouthed into the kiss.
"I don't want pizza anymore. I just want you."
Sophia struggled against his embrace. "I want you too, baby." She smiled, opening her eyes. She licked the tip of his nose and he peeked at her beneath hooded eyes as he thrust his hard cock against the pulsing ache between her legs.
"Hi," she giggled. "I love you, but I'm hungry," she said, planting a chaste kiss on his lips before climbing over him. "I'll be right back." At her words, every horror movie she ever saw flooded her mind. “Or, um…I’ll just be a minute.”
Everett sighed and adjusted himself on the couch, wincing at the pain in his knee. "Okay, but don't leave an injured man waiting too long. I need my medicine."
Sophia walked to the door, still laughing. Ever since they got back from Mt. Hood, he joked about sex with her being the best cure for his pain, since all the blood rushed to his penis. He said it rendered his brain and the rest of his body helpless against his need for her.
She grabbed her purse on the table in the foyer, digging for her wallet as she opened the door. "Give me just a sec while I get you a tip."
Finally, when she found the five in the wallet pocket, she looked up. "Here you g—"
"Hello, Sophia."
She could feel her eyes widen and heat rush from her neck to her cheeks. She swallowed and blinked, hoping she was dreaming and her ex-husband wasn't really standing on her doorstep.
Indeed, the forecast was correct: the chances for the storm to be a big one were great. What was she going to do with Austin at the door and Everett on the couch?
Her luck did not change.
Austin was on the second step. Given his height, their eyes were level.
"What are you doing here?" she asked, a mixture of annoyance and panic creeping into her tone. She stuffed the money back into her purse and quickly glanced over her shoulder. She didn't want Everett to see Austin. She never wanted them to get within a thousand miles of each other.
Just leave me alone. Please go away.
"I'm glad I was able to surprise you." Austin's baritone was playful, but the expression etched into the pale, hairless lines of his face held the same stern flatness. He wasn't smiling. He was searching, studying her. Inspecting her changes.
Sophia was doing the same.
She was learning she wasn't the same spineless, weak-willed woman.
Austin stood completely erect, his arms flat at his sides with his fingers hanging loose, rain dripping from the tips. His face seemed rounder, pudgier, like he’d gained some weight, though his features were sharp and angular and soured with disdain. The deep-set, stark blue eyes she once considered airy clear skies were now overcast and icy as they peered back at her.
Despite the downpour soaking into his tailored black suit, she didn't invite him in, nor did she hint she would. Instead, Sophia backed into the doorjamb, holding the handle and blocking the entrance.
"You're not welcome here," she managed.
She expected shock or embarrassment, but his reaction fit neither of those descriptions.
Now a wicked smile chiseled a thin line across his face as if her rejection humored him. Like she was a child daring not to obey. He got off on being dismissed, but instilling fear in people fueled him. Intimidation was his favorite tactic.
He stepped up onto the porch landing, towering a head above her as he flattened his large hand on the face of the door. It squeaked as he pried it open further.
She stilled her stance in case he lurched forward. "What in the fuck are you doing?"
"This is my house," he chided her.
Sophia stood tall and lifted her chin. She was trying to keep her voice low for Everett's sake, but she couldn't let Austin show up and show out. Not on her doorstep. Her backbone was definitely stronger.
"No! This is MY house now," she roared, her voice thundering, echoing against the hollow of the hallway.
Chapter Sixteen
Everett's phone buzzed in his pocket. As he dug it out from under him, he saw it was a text from his sister.
Zora: Did you tell her yet?
It was only the tenth time she asked him in the past week. This was just like her. Talk about old habits dying never. Even when she was a toddler, if she wanted something, she'd harp on it until she got what she wanted. In this case, there was only one answer she'd accept.
He tried telling her he was working on it and he needed more time—needed to wait for the right moment. None of which were the correct answer for his little sister. Still he staved her off for a little longer.
Paired with a few glasses of wine and a couple of slices of pizza, tonight seemed like the right time and place to unload the truth. Only, would Sophia still be his once she knew everything?
Everett: I see you're still minding my business. This is how I know you're adopted. Love you.
And three, two, one...
Zora: You're a small child, you know that?
* * *
Everett: Say you love me back. What if I die?
* * *
Zora: Don't be such a brat. Just tell her already. And fine, love you.
Works every time. Everett smiled to himself, pleased with his ability to rile his sister up. It cracked him up to be able to get under her skin. He shouldn't enjoy it, but she just seemed to walk right into his trap. It was too easy.
Everett: Laying it on thick, are we?
He hated to do it, but she left herself wide open, and teasing her was so much more fun than making promises he wasn't sure he could keep.
Everett picked the remote control back up and pressed the guide button. As he scanned through the available movies, three rows down, he saw the Paranormal Vigilante.
"I found the movie. It's on OnDemand," he called to Sophia. As he listened for her response, he realized she'd been really quiet. Too quiet, and it was taking way too long for a pizza delivery.
"Baby, you need me to—"
"This is my house." He heard Sophia's voice boom from the hallway. Aw, shit. Quickly, Everett swung his feet over the side of the couch and limped toward the front door. The pain was wearing off, but it was kind of nice having her tend to his needs.
From her tone, he couldn't tell whether she was an angry mess of hunger, or if the delivery guy was trying to force himself inside. Although, given her level of hunger, he was willing to bet on the former.
"What happened? Did they get the order wrong?" He laughed as Sophia's back came into view. It wasn't until he was directly behind her when he saw her body wedged in the door, her foot planted in place like a doorstopper.
Then, he noticed who was standing on the other side of her. Fuck.
"Austin," Everett said, shocked.
Almost instantly Everett's body tensed and his jaw clenched. Unblinking and singularly focused on the unwanted guest, Everett saw red as he urged his antsy fingers not to ball into fists. The sight of the man alone left him on defense. He wanted to push Sophia behind him and protect her from everything Austin did to her, and all the horrible things he knew a Harman was capable of beyond the terrible things the man had already done to her.
"Wait, you two know each other?" Sophia said, pivoting toward him. Her eyes flicked back and forth between him and Austin. She looked confused, and rightly so. He shouldn't have waited to tell her. Now he didn't know whether he would get the chance to before he was cut off at the pass.
Everett ignor
ed Sophia for the time being. "Can we help you?" he asked Austin. "Because if not, I'm pretty sure this is trespassing."
A smug grin stretched the edges of the asshole's mouth, and Everett wanted to smack it off.
Everett was imagining all the ways he could teach this guy a lesson. He felt the hardness tightening his expression, but then Austin turned to Sophia and looked at her sideways.
"Oh, honey, John and I go way back. Our families go back even further," he said. He was clearly sensing that Everett hadn’t disclosed just how many ties their families shared over the decades.
"I'm not your honey," she spat, and glared at Austin before fixing her evil eye on Everett. "And what is he talking about?" Her narrow look seared through him as she folded her arms and looked up at him. Her brows shot up expectantly.
Nope, he definitely wasn't going to be able to put it off any longer.
Everett cleared his throat and spoke, slowly and tentatively—another pair of ears were just waiting for him to get it wrong. "Remember when I told you about my grandmother?" He was talking to Sophia, but Austin straightened at the mention of Babs, matching Sophia's folded arms while Everett got to the point.
Austin leaned on the doorjamb. His ankles were crossed, like he was settling in for a good storytelling. A tale which Everett was sure he would be quick to fill in any holes.
Sophia inhaled and sighed impatiently, as if she vaguely remembered. Seeing how fast she downshifted and turned on him, an agonizing pang pierced his heart. It really sucked to be on this end of the stick.
At her slight nod, Everett continued. "Well, what he's referring to is the short-lived relationship his grandfather, Henry, shared with Babs."
"Oh, putting it mildly, don't you think? I'd say sliding in on someone else's bride, no matter how long the relationship lasted, is foul. I'm sure you'd agree."
Austin's words weren't minced. They never were.